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7 Things Successful People do Before Bed | Pure Bookkeeping

Written by Michael Palmer | Jul 19, 2017 1:35:17 AM

Do you drag yourself out of bed every morning?

Is it tough to be alert and focused as you begin your hectic daily schedule?

What if I told you there were some simple tweaks that would make things easier for you?

You see, many successful people are in control of their day right from the start.

According to’s, Kevin Daum, a part of the reason why is because they set themselves up for excellence the previous night.

Here is a 7 stage bedtime plan that will make sure you embrace the next day with confidence.

1. Organize tomorrow

This idea seems so basic and yet so few people do it. At the very least, set a schedule for the day. Pick your clothes and create a to-do list. Getting all of this out of your brain will allow you to relax for the evening and will make it easy to get things started in the morning.

2. Decompress

At the end of the day you are carrying much of your daytime activities in your brain and your body. Take some time to drop those shoulders and relax the brain.

Use a book, TV, or video game to make your brain stop working so you can alleviate the stress and let go.

3. Imagine a preferred future

Distractions can come fast and furious during the day and can often make you forget why you are working so hard. Take some mental space to think about how things could and should be. Picture yourself as the happy and successful person you choose to be.

4. Forgive yourself

No one is perfect and ambitious people tend to be the hardest on themselves. Give yourself the positive strokes you deserve.

Let your heart know that just because you didn’t achieve perfection today doesn't mean you won’t be successful or near perfect tomorrow. Give yourself a pat on the back for effort.

5. Get some love

You've been that mechanized soldier all day, so it's time to go back to being human and feeling some compassion. Spend time with loved ones and get that warm feeling inside. Play with your kids, cuddle with your significant other or even snuggle up with your poodle like I do. A little warm and fuzzy goes a long way in making you feel human and happy.

6. Thank the universe

No successful person gets there all on his or her own. Success requires a perfect storm of support and opportunity. Mentally give thanks to all those who contribute to your advancement each day. Give spiritual thanks for the forces beyond the physical as well.

7. Clear the mind

Sleep is near, but good sleep requires a clear and healthy mind. Use breathing and meditation to blast out all of those thoughts that hold you in the awake space. Deepen your breath and let the mental anxiety leave your body as white steam with each exhale. Soon enough the morning will arrive bringing new adventure.

Terrific information. Thank you Kevin.

Structure is an important thing for bookkeepers.

You’re so busy implementing systems for your business and clients, why not do the same for your own mental health?

By preparing yourself for the next day, you’ll be less stressed and ready to take on anything.

So, which of the above bedtime plan suggestions will you implement today?

If you’re waking up every morning with dread, something has to change.

If you don’t, it will eventually catch up to your health and your business.

To your success,
